Shareholder Activism
October 16, 2024

2024 AGM Season: How to vote

Written by
Adam Verwey
Published on
October 22, 2024

APA Group AGM – 24 October

The AGM for APA Group is at 10:30 am on Thursday 24 October in Sydney and online. SIX has co-filed a resolution with Market Forces which aims to prevent the company building pipelines to the Beetaloo Basin which would open up a carbon bomb of fracking. SIX and Market Forces will be speaking on behalf of the resolution at the AGM.

You would’ve received a Notice of Meeting from APA Group by email on 20 September. This email includes links on how to join the meeting in person or online. It also includes a link to vote on the AGM resolutions.

How do I vote?

You can vote online using a link sent to you in the email above. Their share registry is operated by a company called Link, so you’ll be directed to their website. On the right hand side of the page is a link to vote on the AGM resolutions.

The resolutions we’ve proposed with Market Forces are resolution numbers 7A, 7B and 7C. Please vote FOR these resolutions. 

You should select ‘Ok’ to give the Chair your proxy to vote in the way that you have directed.

How should I vote for the other resolutions?

It’s up to you, or could abstain. Here’s how I voted below. I believe the existing Board and CEO should be held accountable for approving plans that don’t align with global climate goals.

How do I join the AGM?

You can turn up in person, or online:

To join online you may need to enter some details including your HIN, which are available in the SIX app under Account Settings.

Whether you attend in person or online, you have the right to ask a question at the meeting (if you want to).

What’s the best way you can help?

Do you have your super with UniSuper? If so, they just happen to be the biggest owner of APA Group, owning about 10% of the company. Market Forces have created an easy tool to let you send UniSuper a message to support the resolution:

Woolworths AGM – 31 October

The AGM for Woolworths is at 10 am on Thursday 31 October in Sydney and online. SIX has filed resolutions to stop Woolworths sourcing salmon from Macquarie Harbour which is causing the extinction of the Maugean skate. SIX and our partners Environment Tasmania and Neighbours of Fish Farming will be speaking on behalf of the resolutions at the meeting.

There are also a range of NGOs planning actions to highlight Woolworths negative impacts on nature, including the Maugean skate. 

You would’ve received an email from Woolworths on 30 September which included the Notice of Meeting and the details on how to participate at the AGM.

How do I vote?

You can vote online using a link sent to you in the email above. Their share registry is operated by a company called Link, so you’ll be directed to their website. On the right hand side of the page is a link to vote on the AGM resolutions.

The resolutions we’ve proposed are resolution numbers 6A, 6B and 6C. Please vote FOR these resolutions.

You should select ‘Ok’ to give the Chair your proxy to vote in the way that you have directed.

How should I vote for the other resolutions?

It’s up to you, or could abstain. Here’s how I voted below. I believe the existing Board and CEO should be held accountable for not taking action when they’ve been given information that they are contributing to an extinction event.

How do I join the AGM?

The AGM is in Sydney, but it’s at Woolworths head office in Bella Vista which is a long way from the CBD. You can turn up in person, or online at the link provided to you in the email on 30 September.

Whether you attend in person or online, you have the right to ask a question at the meeting (if you want to).

What’s the best way you can help?

Super funds are some of Woolworths biggest shareholders. The more super funds who support the resolution to Save the Skate, the more likely it is to pass. Our campaign partners Eko have put together a tool to help you contact your super fund and encourage them to support the resolution:

And if you want to attend the AGM, let us know! We’d love some extra help in talking to Woolworths shareholders about saving the skate.

Nine Entertainment and Seven West AGMs – 7 November

SIX has been working with our partner, the Alliance for Gambling Reform, to get the big media companies to stop gambling ads. Rather than propose a resolution, we’ve decided to bring voices of people who have been impacted by gambling harm into the AGMs to speak directly with the company Boards and shareholders.

The AGMs for both Nine Entertainment and Seven West Media have been inconveniently scheduled in the same city (Sydney) on the same day at almost the same time. So we’ve decided to concentrate our efforts on having a presence at the Nine Entertainment AGM, which starts at 10 am in North Sydney. 

Nine Entertainment sent an email to their shareholders on 30 September with details about the AGM and how to take part. 

Seven West Media sent their email to shareholders on 3 October with details about the AGM and how to take part.

How can I help?

If you’re a Nine Entertainment shareholder, we’d love it if you could join the meeting in person or online. We’ll be there along with the Alliance for Gambling Reform and Reverend Tim Costello, and supporting people who have been impacted by gambling harm to tell their story and ask questions at the AGM.

If you can attend the meeting and are willing to ask a question, please let us know. If you can’t attend the meeting but are willing to give your proxy to someone else to attend, please also let us know so we can organise this.

Should I submit votes to the AGMs?

It’s your choice. There are no gambling related resolutions at the AGMs. Both companies only have resolutions to re-elect directors and pass the remuneration report. If you would like to vote on these resolutions, you can follow the directions sent to you in the email mentioned above. I did, and voted Against all the resolutions as I believe the Boards and CEOs of these company’s should be held accountable for continuing gambling ads in the face of so much evidence about the harm it causes.

Coles AGM – 12 November

The AGM for Coles is at 9:30 am on Tuesday 12 November in Melbourne and online. SIX has filed resolutions to stop Coles sourcing salmon from Macquarie Harbour which is causing the extinction of the Maugean skate. SIX and our partners Environment Tasmania and Neighbours of Fish Farming will be speaking on behalf of the resolutions at the meeting. 

There are also a range of NGOs planning actions to highlight Coles’ negative impacts on nature, including the Maugean skate.

You would’ve received an email on 9 October which included the Notice of Meeting and the details on how to participate at the AGM.

How do I vote?

You can vote online using a link sent to you in the email above. Their share registry is operated by a company called Computershare, so you’ll be directed to their website. On the right hand side of the page is a link to vote on the AGM resolutions. 

The resolutions we’ve proposed are resolution numbers 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3. Please vote FOR these resolutions.

How should I vote for the other resolutions?

It’s up to you, or could abstain. Here’s how I voted below. I believe the existing Board and CEO should be held accountable for not taking action when they’ve been given information that they are contributing to an extinction event.

How do I join the AGM?

The AGM is in the Melbourne CBD. You can turn up in person, or online at the link provided in the email you received on 9 October.

Whether you attend in person or online, you have the right to ask a question at the meeting (if you want to).

What’s the best way you can help?

Super funds are some of Coles biggest shareholders. The more super funds who support the resolution to Save the Skate, the more likely it is to pass. Our campaign partners Eko have put together a tool to help you contact your super fund and encourage them to support the resolution:

And if you want to attend the AGM, let us know! We’d love some extra help in talking to Coles shareholders about saving the skate.

4-12 Buckland Street, Chippendale, 2008 NSW